Friday, June 18, 2010

Day Two with the Droid

I continue to struggle to overcome the feeling that I'm talking into an mp3 player. As with the day before, my experience began with disenchantment -- my first dropped call. The whole impetus for choosing an Android Incredible over a Apple Iphone (business philosophies aside) was that the gurus in the Office of Information Technology told me the Iphone drops a lot of calls. For some reason, I can't get many bars in my house, causing my phone to drop my mother. To further test its capabilities I took the phone on a field trip to the basement of Delta College, a place known for abysmal reception. There my faith in the Incredible was restored.

User awkwardness continues. I hung up on my graduate committee director because the speaker button and the call end button are in near proximity. Forget about making a phone call when driving until shortcuts and voice activation are programmed. This is my next task programming, choosing a ring tone, basically making the phone function with me.

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